Scholar of the Week/Badger of the Week
Josiah Maunu, Sophomore

Josiah is taking both Geometry and Algebra 2 and maintaining a 99% average in Geometry.  He always has his work done and has checked over it.  He is very good to question answers that he thinks may be wrong in the book.  I believe Josiah has a thirst for knowledge and is willing to work hard to attain it.  He is also very respectful and kind.  

- Julie Hoefs, Math Teacher

Hanna Fischer, Sophomore, One-Act Play

Hanna Fischer’s talent on stage is evident from her first lines to her last. She plays a critical role as a Narrator in this year's production of “Valjean”.  Last year, she helped with hair and makeup on crew; little did we know the talent we were missing out on!  She gives every practice and performance her best, delivering each line with believability and heart.  She was recognized as an Outstanding Performer at the Ord Festival and the Gothenburg Invitational. In a lead role as a sophomore, Hanna truly deserves to be Badger of the Week. 

- Ronelle Kilmer, One-Act Director/School Counselor