December 16, 2021

  • Lunch for today: Tater Hot Dish w/Dinner Roll, Chicken Nuggets w/Dinner Roll, or Grilled Chicken Salad w/Roasted Flatbread. Lunch is during period 4 since we are on a 10:00 schedule.
  • All students, just that those that have missed more than 5 school days, have a grade under a C average or have served a suspension are required to take finals on December 20 and 21. Do NOT plan on being gone these days, finals are 15% of your overall grade.We update a list of students who owe homework and will need to come in tomorrow until all work is finished. Anything that isn't turned in by the end of the day tomorrow will be zeros and could cause you to have to take finals Monday & Tuesday next week.
  • Any student looking for community service hours the Salvation Army is looking for Bell Ringers. See Mrs. Arganbright for details.
  • March of Dimes ends today at 3:30. March of Dimes is an FBLA ribbon project working to raise money to support families who have premature babies or unexpected birth challenges. Bring your money and vote on the baby pictures in the office.
  • A representative from Western Nebraska Community College will be here today at 2 pm. Sign up in the office if you want to visit with them.
  • Student Council is challenging you to 21 days of kindness from now through the break! Pick up an activity in the commons and return it after break! Post your pictures to social media with the #vhs21daysofkindness  A prize will be given to those who complete the activity. 
  • All students need to check their emails for a lunchtime solutions survey.  These need to be completed before we leave for Christmas break.
  • Student Council is sponsoring some fun holiday themes for this week.  Today is Holiday pajamas.
  • There is no school tomorrow due to District In-service and the Valentine Varsity Wrestling Invite that will begin tomorrow at 1:00 pm. Wrestling Saturday begins at 9:00 am. Due to the high volume of people in the building this weekend as well as the custodians doing extra cleaning over the break, all students should clean out your gym lockers and cubbies before the end of the school day today. 
  • Congratulations to this week’s Badger of the Week, Austyn Kieborz.  Mrs. Kilmer says Austyn Kieborz certainly deserves to be Badger of the Week.  He is a member of our crew and helps primarily with building set pieces for us.  However, his true dedication shines through during our competitions.  He takes care of the jobs that I would normally worry about:  attaching the cross, the clamps, and helping with our largest and heaviest items.  What I most admire about Austyn though is his kind heart.  He sees something that needs done, and we never have to ask him to do it.  He just does.  During State One-Act, he made numerous trips back and forth between buses when our bus broke down.  It was snowing and blowing terribly, and he stayed with Mrs. P and I helping to carry props, makeup, other students' luggage, our items, and food.  He is sweet, positive, and always cheery.  When we finally made it back to Valentine, he again helped us with luggage and scraping our windows.  The world needs more Austyns, and I am so proud to know and nominate this one!  Austyn, you are awesome! 
  • Congratulations to this week’s Badger Scholar of the Week, Tatiana Williams.  Mrs. Hand says I have Tatiana in both English and Journalism. She works hard and has a positive attitude. I look forward to her asking, “So what are we doing in English today?” with a smile just about every day between her Journalism and English classes, which are back to back. Whenever she has been absent, she communicates to make sure she has her work made up or she gets caught up immediately after returning. Tatiana’s positivity is contagious, and her radiant personality makes her an enjoyable young lady to have in class.