November 4, 2021

  1. Lunch for today: Mega Meatball w/Dinner Roll, Baked Pork Fritter w/Roll or Fajita Salad w/Tortilla Chips.
  2. 2.Student Council if your dues are paid you may stop in Mrs. Arganbright's room and pick up your t-shirts. 
  3. One Act Play practice tomorrow at 3:45 pm in the Auditorium.
  4. Students who are in-eligible will check their phone into Mr. Cronin's office until they are eligible.
  5. Interact will be sponsoring the American Red Cross Blood Drive this Friday from 9 am till 3 pm. Sign up during your lunch period if you want to give blood, remember that if you are 16 and under you will need a form signed by your parent. Those giving blood will receive a $10.00 Amazon gift card and a t shirt.
  6. Juniors please pay $15 dues to Jaycie or Mrs. Buechle as soon as possible.  
  7. There is a paper detailing who is covering open gym/weight room before and after school on the magnet board by the boy's locker room. IF you don't see a sponsor signed up, you need to find a school employee to sponsor you. Questions-see Mr. Beebout.
  8. Seniors check your email from Journalism about Senior Prophecies.  Seniors need to fill the Google form out ASAP.
  9. Students gone on the college visit to Wayne State will be returning around 5 pm.
  10. State wrestling ticket orders are now being taken at the high school office for the state tournament in Omaha February 17th through the 19th.  Although we will be able to submit a group order again this year, a few changes have taken place:  All tickets will be distributed electronically.  You will need a Ticketmaster account associated with the email you provide.  Payment in full will be required when placing your order.  Tickets for all B & C sessions, including girls, are $36 each.  Orders need to be placed by Thanksgiving break Nov. 23rd.  
  11. Any student council member that would like to attend the leadership conference in Kearney on Wednesday, November 17th, please see the announcement in the Band App.
  12. There will be a quick fishing club meeting tomorrow right after school in Mr. Jensen's room. Please plan to attend as we will be finalizing our order of fishing gear, talking about new officer applications, and planning future events.
  13. Students and Staff:  November is the month of gratitude. The Student Council is going to give away a prize at the end of the month to a student from each grade and a staff member for sharing what you're thankful for. You can find a red drop box in the commons. Please share what you're thankful for! 
  14. Friday is the deadline to register if you plan to take the Dec. 11th ACT test.
  15. Attention all students!  We need your help with the canned food drive sponsored by VHS student council and FBLA.  The person who brings the most food will receive their choice of item from The Badger Den.  The class who brings the most gets lollipops, and of course, bragging rights for the year.  You earn one point per canned/boxed food item, two points for stuffing, yams/sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce.  Freshmen - take to Sherbeyn, Sophomores - take to Adams, Juniors - take to Epke, Seniors - take to Bish!  Bring your items by Friday, November 19, 2021.  All food will be donated to local families and food pantries.
  16. Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday morning so it’s a good idea to set your clocks back 1 hour when going to bed Saturday evening.
  17. Individual student picture packets are in and may be picked up in the office after school.