LUNCH: Soft Shell Beefy Tacos, Chef Salad, Mini Corn Dogs, Chocolate Banana Bars, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk or Juice

  • Registration/open gym for youth basketball (2nd - 6th grades) is this week. Boys will be on Tuesday evening from 6-8:30 p.m. and girls will be on Thursday and Friday evenings from 5:30-7 p.m. Registration forms for 5th & 6th graders only are available in front of the office.

  • Girls basketball photos after school tomorrow.

  • Mrs. Galvin’s Badger Pause will be hosting a food drive beginning today and running through Friday, November 19th  Students can bring their non-perishable food items to Mrs. Galvin (Room 100) and she will keep a tally. Please no canned veggies, crackers, or spaghetti sauce.  Anything else is most welcome: hamburger helper, pancake mix, oatmeal, syrup, mac & cheese, muffin mix, cans of soup, beans, tuna or chicken, pasta, peanut butter, jelly, mayo. The Badger Pause group that brings the most food items will earn a food celebration day on them!  

  • Mrs. Perrett’s Badger Pause is hosting a raffle to benefit the Sandhills Cancer Fund. Tickets are $5 each for a chance to win a Bomgaars gift card! Drawing will be held on November 22nd. If you are interested in purchasing a ticket, please contact Mrs. Perrett.

  • Today is Day#1 of the Student Council 30-Day Attitude of Gratitude Challenge for VMS students and staff.   Who is someone you're thankful to have in your life? Write that person a card, Post-It note, or email expressing your gratitude.