Lunch: Pizza Pasta Bake, Chicken Nuggets, Steamed Carrots, Uncrustable, Cheese & Cracker Platter, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk or Juice
VMS Cross Country will host their first meet of the season today at Fredrick’s Peak. Meet will begin at 4pm, runners will be dismissed by the office at 2:45pm. Good luck Badgers!
8th FFA members: Dues of $25 need to be paid by tomorrow. You can drop these off with Mrs. Tinant. She also needs your T-shirt size and what events you are going to sign up for. Stop by her room this week before Friday!
VALENTINE YOUTH ACTIVITIES: 5th/6th Grade Tackle Football and 3rd-6th Grade Volleyball forms are outside the office.
5th-6th grade girls signed up for volleyball- your first 2 practices are Tuesday September 3 from 5:00-6:00 and Sunday September 8th from 4:00-5:30. If you haven't turned in your registration form, turn it into the city office and join us at practice.
Miles of Smiles forms can be turned into the office or to Nurse Kinnaman.
VMS Announcements 08/29/24
August 29, 2024