• Lunch: Pizza Pasta Bake, Chicken Nuggets, Steamed Carrots, Uncrustable, Cheese & Cracker Platter, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk or Juice

  • VMS Cross Country will host their first meet of the season today at Fredrick’s Peak. Meet will begin at 4pm, runners will be dismissed by the office at 2:45pm. Good luck Badgers! 

  • 8th FFA members: Dues of $25 need to be paid by tomorrow.  You can drop these off with Mrs. Tinant.  She also needs your T-shirt size and what events you are going to sign up for.  Stop by her room this week before Friday!

  • VALENTINE YOUTH ACTIVITIES: 5th/6th Grade Tackle Football and 3rd-6th Grade Volleyball forms are outside the office.

  • 5th-6th grade girls signed up for volleyball- your first 2 practices are Tuesday September 3 from 5:00-6:00 and Sunday September 8th from 4:00-5:30. If you haven't turned in your registration form, turn it into the city office and join us at practice. 

  • Miles of Smiles forms can be turned into the office or to Nurse Kinnaman.