Lunch: Pizza Casserole, Mini Corn Dogs, Green Beans, Uncrustable, Cheese & Cracker Platter, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk or Juice
Applications for Student Council are available in Mrs. Foster’s room. Student Council does a TON of fun things for all students and staff throughout the year - it’s a lot of fun, be sure to visit with Mrs. Foster or previous student council members for info!
From the Student Handbook:
- It is important that students arrive at school and to all classes on time. Students who are tardy are responsible for making up missing work.
They will also be required to stay for detention the day they are tardy, unless excused by the principal.
In addition, four tardies will count as one-half day absent from school. Habitual tardiness will be handled on an individual basis and may include staying after school, parent conferences, and in-school suspension.
Tardy to School:
Students will be considered tardy to school if they are not seated in their assigned class or ready and attentive in their assigned area when the start bell for their first-class rings on regular school days or by the designated start time on late start days.
Tardy to Class:
Students will be considered tardy to class if they are not in their classroom when the tardy bell rings, unless they have a pass from the teacher who detained them. Specific tardy guidelines, once students are in the classroom doorway, are at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Students have sufficient time between all class changes to make it to their next assigned class on time.