Lunch: Hot Dog, Cheese Pizza, Pepperoni Pizza, Baked Beans, Uncrustable, Cheese & Cracker Platter, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk or Juice
Students with scooters: when you park them in the storage room off of the lunch room in the morning, PLEASE park them to the sides so that there is a path down the middle for our kitchen staff to move their carts through. Thank you!
Applications for Student Council are available in Mrs. Foster’s room. Student Council does a TON of fun things for all students and staff throughout the year - it’s a lot of fun, be sure to visit with Mrs. Foster or previous student council members for info!
Football meeting for 7th and 8th graders today after school in Room 8, Mr. Pettigrew’s room.
Make sure that all your items are neatly tucked into your lockers before closing them. If a backpack strap or anything else gets stuck in the door, it can bend and ruin the door - no bueno 😒
VMS Announcements 08/16/24
August 16, 2024