• Lunch: Twisted Dog, Cheese Pizza, Pepperoni Pizza, Baked Beans, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk or Juice

  • Ortho Day today!!! Please make sure you let the office know your appointment time and get a permit to leave the building.emoji request

  • If you haven’t used any of your “personal days off” from Mr. Sayer, you need to redeem them before the end of 3rd quarter - before March 7th!!! They do not carry through to the 4th quarter.

  • Play Rehearsals 2/19-2/23

    • 2/23 Entire Cast

  • 6th graders: Field trip forms were included in your parent-teacher conference packet, please get them filled out and turned into the office with a payment if you are going (it is a bright yellow sheet). If you didn’t attend conferences, your packet was mailed.

  • Miles of Smiles forms were handed out in your parent teacher conference packet as well (green sheet), if you want to participate, please turn your sheet into the office asap! Miles of Smiles will be here on Wednesday, February 28th.





Homework Help

Every Day

Mr. Medema

Conference Room

Badger Cub 

Every Day

Mrs. O’Kief




Miss Jody

Mrs. Perrett’s - Room 3