• Lunch:  Beef Goulash, Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich, Roasted Broccoli, Sugar Cookie, Fruit & Veggie Bar

  • Don’t forget the food drive challenge is on against Badger Pause groups and collectively against the high school! Please bring what you can!

  • VMS Wrestlers will be traveling to Rushville today for their first meet at 2 p.m. CST. Team will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m., wrestlers you DO need to go into your 5th period class and wait to be dismissed, please remember to return your Chromebooks to your 1st period class cart - bus will depart at 11 a.m.  Good luck Badgers!

  • Hoops for Hearts FYI … 9 out of 10 Americans age 2 and up eat too much sodium. Watch out for sneaky sodium hiding in foods like pizza, bread and rolls, cold cuts and cured meats, savory snacks, sandwiches and cheese. 

  • Students, with cold weather settling in, make sure you have a plan for after school on where you’re going, who is picking you up and what time. Once you go out the doors, they are locked, please do not be coming in and out, back and forth. No students will be allowed in the main school building after 4:15 p.m. unless they are with a teacher or staff member. The doors between the 8th grade hallway and gym lobby will be locked at 4:15 so if you will be waiting for a ride after that, you will need to wait in the gym lobby.